Pre Holiday Random Info And Thanks
I was going to Tweet some info, then I was going to FaceBook some info, but in the end decided to go old school and Blog the info.
The info is no real big deal, but here it is is random order with no value on importance or lack there of....
1. I hope that everyone who ordered some merch in the past few days gets their goodies in time to put under the Festivus Tree. Your support is greatly appreciated.

3. XXC Magazine HQ will be closed from December 23 to December 28. Mags, and kits can still be ordered, but any t shirt or sticker orders will not be shipped until after the 28th.
4. Don't forget to consult the XXCMAG.COM Events page to plan you season. There are a ton of dates up, with more coming! If you have a confirmed date for and endurance race, shoot me an e mail and I will get it up on the site ASAP.
5. XXC Magazine #10 will be coming in late January. A few months ago, I wasn't sure a 3rd season of XXC and a 10th issue would happen, but damn it, it is!! In 2011 the goal is to get the print mag into some bike shops and into more hands in the coming year. Also look for more issues of XXC to be available for iPad, as well as our standard PDF eMag.
6. I want to give a SUPER FREAKING BIG thanks to all the folks that supported XXC with a purchase of the mag, down load, or merch purchase. I would also like to give a big thanks to XXC's advertisers. Advertising is not first and foremost on the priority list at XXC, but the folks we do have are some fine people who took a chance on XXC. Their belief in the vision of XXC means way more to me than their dollars do. Thanks!
7. Contributors! THANK YOU!! Without the contributors XXC can NOT happen. I thank you for your willingness and want to share your talents with XXC Magazine. In 2011 I will try as much as possible to make it worth your while. No there won't be big fat pay checks yet, but I will do my best to get you schwag, recognition, and when possible a few bucks for your time, work and talents.
8. That's it. Thanks for a great year, have a great holiday and good luck in 2011.
See you at the races!
Jason Mahokey
XXC Magazine
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