Dirt Road Washtenaw
This morning as I lazily perused the message boards of the MMBA (Michigan Mountain Bike Association) I stumbled upon the mention of a book called Dirt Road Washtenaw by Rob Pulcipher. The book covers over 700 miles of dirt roads across the Washtenaw County, Michigan area. I ordered up the book and am anxious to check it out more in depth.
While I love riding and racing single track more than anything, I must admit since moving to Michigan I have fallen in love with riding the dirt and farm roads that are just a couple miles from XXC World HQ in Mount Pleasant on my cross and mountain bikes. It will be fun to see some other routes from south east Michigan. Plus it looks like they have a few more hill than I have up here in Isabella County, and that might be worth the trip alone!
I know that 95% of you are not from Michigan, so the book would sort of do you no good, but I still wanted to share the work of someone who seems to be as in to riding the dirt roads via bicycle as much as many of us are. There are also some great links on his site to some reviews of the book and to a brief interview with Rob Pulcipher on Michigan NPR about the book.
I hope to have the book in a few days, give it a look, and then I will drop some opinions on you about it. In the future, maybe I can even link my way via dirt roads the whole way down the state? LOL!
For more information check out dirtroadwashtenaw.com.
Jason Mahokey
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